Memorial Day has always been a family tradition. No matter where we moved, we always went to the family cemetery to honor our family. Decorating the graves was a responsibility my father would say “someday you will take on this responsibility and teach it to your children.”
Well, here we are as grandparents taking our wonderful grandchildren to the graves of family members to honor them. What I saw this year was a wonderful example of the past and the present. Grandchildren reverently placing flowers on the graves of family members that are six and seven generations past.
This year there was more joy as we spent the day together talking to the children, telling them stories. We focused on the living and the funny family stories of the past. We still missed those who have preceded us, but it was a sweet remembering this year. What does bring tears to my eyes is the respect, reverence, and the United States flags flying high to honor our fallen military men and women.

There is truly something amazing beyond description that seeing lanes lined with the United States flying. I am proud to be an American, I am proud that my father was a WWII Veteran. I am proud that my husband was a Viet Nam Veteran. I am proud of all those who have offered their lives for the freedom our country represents. I am proud of those who continue to fight for our freedom, and pray that someday they will all come home. I pray that we will be able to continue to represent a land of opportunity, one where we all live in peace and in times of peril, there will continue to be brave men and women who feel as deeply as those of past days and take their ranks in the military.
I pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America; and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all.
I am so grateful that the cemeteries in the Mormon Pioneer National Heritage Area, no matter how small that they might be, flew the United States of American Flag proudly for those who gave their lives for all that this great nation!